Sex Sells: Color Hopes You'll Want to Broadcast Your Makeout Sessions and Illegal Pool Parties to Facebook

Color – just saying the name of it quickly became enough to get people to laugh about what was, without doubt, one of the most botched product launches in recent history (or riled up about the enormous funding round the startup got before it had even launched its product). The relaunch of the once photo-sharing focused app didn't result in much hype at the end of the year, but it looks like the company is now trying hard to get some attention for its video-sharing focused relaunch.
A new ad, which the company uploaded to its YouTube account last week, wouldn't look out of place on MTV. A group of hip 20-somethings decides to break into an empty house and have a little pool party. The ad also features a steamy makeout session in the pool, as well as a creepy guy who decides to use Color to broadcast everything to Facebook (without sound, of course, because Color doesn't do audio).
If that isn't a reason for using Color, I'm not sure what is. As AdAge notes, few startups have enough money to spend on a highly produced commercial. The ones that do usually tend to highlight their product outside of the context of Internet voyeurism.
Color on Facebook currently has about 1,000 active users.
(via: AdAge)
I got a few reports that the YouTube version of the video has now been set to private. I can still see it, but just in case, below is the Vimeo version, which was actually uploaded late last year.
Pool Hopping Commercial 2011 from Color on Vimeo.